Investment essentials

Back in August 2016, we encouraged you to watch a 12 part documentary featuring Robin Powell and Mark Hebner which included all of the key elements to become a better investor and less of a speculator.

There is now an abridged and more succinct 16 minute version available (click on the image above) which still covers many of the absolute investment essentials you need to know, including;

  • What is Active (speculation) investing and why the evidence suggests you should not do it?
  • Three timeless and crucial investment concepts
  • Why it is so hard to beat any stock market by “picking” stocks
  • Distinguishing between skill and luck when investing

We’ve already bought a review of the UK Fund Management Review to your attention, and this video should be a further prompt for anyone yet to explore why so many investors worldwide are moving away from speculation (Active investing) to investors (Index investing).

If you have a question about your investments please contact us or call 01825 76 33 66.