New Year resolution success

New year resolutions

2019, a New Year and what are you now resolving to do that you didn’t manage in 2018?

Judging by the significant increase of people (both existing members and new members!) at my local Gym, getting fitter or losing weight might be high on many people’s lists.

For others, there may be more significant lifestyle resolutions such as more holidays, more time off work or more help for the family/children that has been in the pipeline.

But why is it, using reasonable estimates, that somewhere between 80%-90% of New Year’s resolutions fail?

Setting New Year resolutions that work

James Clear, author of the highly acclaimed Atomic Habits, identifies 5 common mistakes and 5 possible solutions.

1.“Trying to change everything at once”   

Solution – Work on a maximum of three habits at once, however small some of those habits might be.

2.“Starting with a habit that is too big”     

Solution – Make it so easy you can’t say No i.e. Start with a behaviour that is so small it seems easy and reasonable to do it each day

3. “Seeking a result, not a ritual”     

Solution – Focus on the behaviour and not the outcome. As many great sporting coaches may advise, it is about building a better process and not focusing solely upon the results.

4. “Not changing your environment”     

Solution – Build an environment that promotes good habits e.g. Our behaviours can often be a simple response to the environment we find ourselves in. It can be very difficult to focus on a single task if you are bombarded with texts, email or Whats App, similarly, it’s very difficult to remain positive if you are surrounded by negative people.

5. “Assuming small changes don’t add up”      

Solution – Get 1% better each day. It is the repeated pattern of small behaviours that leads to significant results

Good luck with any resolutions you have made and wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2019.